Former JANE'S ADDICTION Guitarist To Publish Autobiography

August 17, 2004

Guitarist Dave Navarro will be publishing an autobiography, titled "Don't Try This At Home" (cover),in October through ReganBooks. In the book, Navarro is expected to dish out behind the scenes information on his time with JANE'S ADDICTION and the RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS, as well as his steamy marriage to model Carmen Electra. A collaboration with New York Times writer and MARILYN MANSON/MÖTLEY CRÜE biographer Neil Strauss, the book will also contain never-before-seen photos taken from a picture booth Navarro has located in his home.

ReganBooks is pushing the release by noting it is "a diary, a sociology experiment, a documentary of Hollywood and an exercise in exhibitionism," as well as "a gritty portrait of his descent into drug use and self-destructiveness."

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